Well, it's official!

Well, it's official. The Sunday Night Open Stage at Hulbert's is winding down.

Chris and Cam are moving on to new horizons and its looking like the new owner may not continue the Songwriter's stage there. Will it move to another venue? One would hope so, in some form or another. This is by far the best showcase in Edmonton of bright new talent and it would be a shame if it doesn't continue in some form or another. Rhea has done a great job of building a real strong core of people with U22 along side a sprinkling of some of us O22'ers. Her charisma mixed with the hospitality provided by Chris and Cam has been a magic combination under which many songwriters, young and old, have germinated and blossomed.

It is a lot of work and a great commitment to give up a Sunday night every week and show the generosity of spirit that Rhea has done, so she might just be happy to have a break from all of us. That won't stop me from telling her what a great job she's done and how much this has meant to all of us who've benefited from the stage she and the boys from Hulbert's have provided us for the past several years.

From all of us best wishes and thank you.