I’m thrilled that the Unitarian Service Committee (USC) has asked me to join James Keelaghan and Friends at Festival Place to do a benefit concert for the USC Thursday, November 12th.
The year that Lotta Hitschmanova arrived in Canada as a WWII Czech refugee, she founded the Unitarian Service Committee. She mobilized a whole generation of Canadians to reach out and help others in need. Who can forget that thick Czech accent on TV commercials urging us to take action and help those less fortunate than ourselves by sending our cheques to 56 Sparks Street. She would have been a hundred years old on November 28th.
With its Award winning Seeds For Survival Program, the USC continues Lotta’s legacy by supporting women, small-scale farmers and youth in 12 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
On November 12th, we are at Festival Place to thank her and support them. Check out USC at http://usc-canada.org.