Every year about this time an assortment of artists play their music down at the Arts Barns to raise money and awareness for those less fortunate. It’s a celebration of our music for a great cause. It is hard to believe that in the midst of so much affluence there are still people sleeping in alleyways near steam grates because there are not enough beds to accommodate them. I believe those of us who have, are obliged to help those who haven’t. Our sympathy for others and our charity are our most noble qualities. Some religions ask their believers to give up a small percentage of their income under the understanding that their money will find its way to the poor and downtrodden. I am not a religious person but I don’t think you have to be to set aside a tithe or what ever you want to call it for the purpose of donating it to one of the many charities there are out there that take care of the unfortunate. Though I'm not religious, I believe life is a zero sum game. All the bad we do, we either get back in misfortune or we cancel out by good acts. On our dying day, we only get to keep what we gave away.