No matter how badly you itch to get away, after a long stay abroad, it’s always great to come home. Don’t get me wrong, I had the time of my life. I went to the Middle East with my sister and we laughed, sometimes uncontrollably, as we were dazzled by the places we read about in Sunday school. We were left in awe by wonders like Masada, Petra, the Sphinx and Pyramids and so much classical art and architecture that we’d be hard pressed to name a highlight. More importantly, we got a chance to reconnect. I guess because we’d spent the better part of the first twenty years of our lives together, we soon found it was easy to travel together. We also had a lifetime’s worth of inside jokes that still make us pee our pants, enough to last us to the final day of our three week stay (ok there were a few repeats but some classics just never get tired?). We were both happy however to return to the place of our birth where the people we love are. I’ve spent a great part of my life wishing I lived somewhere where it didn’t snow for half a year but lately I’ve realized that although those places may be warm that’s all they are. There’s nowhere else on this globe I’d rather live than here where I was raised. I’m thrilled to be home!