Life is Grand!

“Life is grand” is what Harry my fine Irish friend used to say. My mom’s version went something like “Don’t take life so seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive”. I still do but I think Harry was right. All you have to do is look up into the infinite and realize how small we are. Even the greatest of the greatest of us will be forgotten in another million years, which is only a spit in the time continuum. Hell our whole lifetime is but a hundred years give or take a few decades. How significant is that compared to the thirteen odd billions years that have passed since the Big Bang and the thirteen billion more before the lights go out? That may make some feel small and insignificant but it actually is kind of liberating if you think about it. Even if we do the unthinkable and erase ourselves from the food chain it won’t really change much in the universe. Life will go on and the generations that would have been will never know what they lost. We won’t either because we won’t be around…so I guess that leaves one thing…now. Now is all we’ve got. Better make it the best now we can. What an amazing confluence of events it was that brought us to this point in time and space to frolic on this rock for a few decades. We can argue about how that happened or by whose hand but the fact still remains here we are and… “Life IS grand.”