hulbert's Open Stage

There is an open stage run by Rhea March (promoter of U22) and hosted by Chris and Cameron (the owners of hulbert’s restaurant) every Sunday night starting at 7 PM. It is a “songwriter’s only” open stage, which sets itself apart from the rest because it is the only one of its kind here in Edmonton. It’s become a nurturing place for a lot of young songwriters and its turned into somewhat of a cultural hotspot for those who like to hear new original songs.Personally I’d rather hear someone struggle through one of their own songs than confidently belt out someone else’s.

The quality of songwriting is usually first rate and on any given Sunday you can not only hear established songwriters but also new and very talented songwriters who have just made it out of their basements and are just now beginning to share their songs with an audience.  Rhea, who’s ability to make new and old feel at home and confident enough to “walk naked” in front of an audience, gives this event its magic. The sound is great and Chris and Cam have set up television screens all over the restaurant so there isn’t a bad seat in the house.