Well, I’m off to Orillia to play at the Orillia Folk Society next Friday (May 25th.) I’m thrilled to be able to visit with my friend Sean McGaughey and family. He is the son of my good friends Ray and Sharon and an accomplished songwriter in his own right. If you’ve ever heard his duck tape song I’m sure you agree. When I’m there I will be playing songs from all my albums, including the new album that Louis Sedmak and I have almost finished. I am excited that we’ve really gone to town this time and worked very hard to make sure nothing makes it on this album that we don’t love. It's a running joke that for every track that made this album, three wound up on the cutting room floor. (I’m sure that’s an understatement.) If you have friends or relatives in the Orillia area, I would be grateful if you would let them know about this gig. I would love to see them there. Hope all is well.