Discover The Trick - Its Magic

My producer, Louis, and I are I am almost finished my latest album The Trick. My producer, Louis, and I are nearly done cutting the album and will soon be mixing it. Annelin has started the artwork. So, it will probably be out by Fall. It’s notable that technology is playing a greater role on each successive CD. We did a lot of cutting and most of the recording we did will not even make the final CD. Some of the beds for the songs were cut as far back as eight years ago yet we are still adding tracks. It still makes me laugh that the band playing each song played their parts at different times and in different places. The drummer and bass player from Nashville in the coming weeks will be recording their parts for a song that was written thirty years ago and rewritten ten years ago. The original song was on my first album in 1987. The song was later re-cut as a country demo in the 90’s. This track was then recorded as a guitar vocal by me a few years ago. We’ve added mandolins, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, some keys here in Edmonton and the background vocals were cut at a different time in Vancouver by Gord Maxwell.

A second song was cut twice with two different bands. Various and sundry parts were added including viola, violin, cello, accordion, bass, drums, vocals and back-up vocals then thrown out when we heard a piano track that was accompanying one of the acoustic guitar tracks. We decided to re-cut the piano by itself and then re-cut the main vocal and added a new cello, leaving everything else behind. It sounds great!

Only in today’s techno-savy world could a piano player in Nashville play a Yamaha grand piano in Toronto (via Midi) for a song sung in Edmonton accompanied by a cello played in Vancouver… all on different dates.