Canadian WInters, Eh?

Its thirty-four degrees below zero today. Although the winters in Edmonton seem to be getting a lot milder than when I was a kid, every once in a while we get a jolt to remind us that we’re Canadians and that winter, although visually quite spectacular, has sharp teeth when the thermometer starts to plunge.

Winter’s like an old friend that comes to visit. At first the novelty of that comrade re-joining us brings back warm memories of past visits. After all, what would the holidays be without snow? Everything gets that clean crisp blue/white tinge and that blanket of frozen H20 that caps everything, gives it that fairytale quality. It sets the stage for the arrival of chubby bearded old men in red suits sitting in sleighs pulled by herbivorous mammals with antlers. Even the shortened days and longer nights give us the opportunity to pull in our own reins and cocoon. We revisit the novelty of seeing our breath condense as it leaves our lips to turn into ice crystals. Come January however, when we open our Visa statements and the glow of Xmas cheer starts feeling more like a hangover, our welcome friend begins to look like a freeloader who just doesn’t seem to know when he is no longer welcome.

Often when Canadians hear about global warming, we have mixed emotions. Yes, we don’t want to see the planet in peril but wouldn’t it be nice if winter would hitch a ride back to the North Pole on December 26th in the trunk of that sleigh?