Anna Beaumont’s CD Release Concert

I attended Anna Beaumont’s CD Release Concert last Saturday night. Anna has always had deep spiritual leanings but I don’t think her music has reflected this as much as in her latest CD, The Doorway. It really is her best ever. She has stepped out of her comfort zone and created something quite different from her previous pop/jazz influenced recordings, and fashioned something unique to her. With its very mystical sound-scape, The Doorway, produced by Thomas Brabec (a.k.a Dr. Octavo), is the perfect home that stunning voice has been searching for. She seems very comfortable cloaked in this world of the soul that she and her very talented band created last night. The concert started at 8 pm and ended close to 11 and I didn’t see anyone looking at their watches. It was a magical night and close to two hundred people floated away looking quite dazzled, after being held in her trance for two plus hours. Even those as skeptical about the metaphysical as I, were left breathless having had a chance to walk in that universe of wonder for just a little while.